Saturday, May 22, 2010

What is Inverse Psoriasis and How is it Treated?

Inverse psoriasis is the appearance of red and inflamed lesions on the skin in the folds of the body. It may be smooth and shiny or can occasionally include dried, scaly plaques on top of these lesions. Most commonly these inflamed patches appear under the arms, on the buttocks, in the groin area, or under the breasts.

These areas of the body are very prone to irritation from rubbing and sweating, and for this reason they can often be tender without the presence of psoriasis. However, when affected by the disorder, these areas can be excruciatingly painful for patients.

Most often inverse psoriasis is not accompanied by skin plaques, which are the dry, scaly, and silvery flakes which appear in most other types of psoriasis. This is due to the presence of moisture in the areas in which it develops. More often than not, the condition is entirely made up of red, raised, and continuously irritated skin lesions. It is very common in those people who are overweight or otherwise have very deep skin folds.

Treatment for the ailment can be difficult to achieve, as the areas of the body it affects are more sensitive. Ointments and steroid creams are considered among the most effective methods of treatment. These products can often be difficult to use, as the area cannot be covered with certain types of dressings that don't allow the skin to breathe. Seepage of ointments and creams through breathable dressing and clothing can make them a challenge to affective treatment.

Steroids are additionally a challenging course of treatment as they should be used sparingly and with caution. They can cause skin to thin or weaken when misused or used too frequently. The areas of the body which are typically affected by inverse psoriasis already have naturally thinner skin than most other areas of the body, and the thinning of skin which can result from steroid treatment in these areas can lead to other health complications.

Other types of topical treatments can also be used. These include Dovonex and coal tar, which can be effective treatment options for some patients. Many with the condition must use oral medications to maximize the benefits of treatment though, and these Protopic and Elidel. These drugs are actually for the treatment of eczema, another common skin ailment with many similarities to psoriasis, and can be quite beneficial in the treatment of inverse psoriasis.

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