Saturday, May 22, 2010

What to Expect From Psoriasis Symptoms

.There are a number of types of psoriasis, and because of this, the way in which the skin disorder presents itself can vary. The most common psoriasis symptoms are the appearance of raised and red skin patches which are often topped by a layer or layers of loose scaly skin. The scales of psoriasis often appear silvery in color, but can sometimes seem yellowy.

Most people with psoriasis have the plaque form of the ailment, which is that described above. Patches of plaques or scales can appear in various areas of the body. Most commonly they are found on the elbows, knees, hands, feet, scalp, and lower back.

Many patients who have psoriasis in other areas of the body also have it on their scalp, though scalp psoriasis can occur independently as well. The symptoms of the disorder in the scalp include thick, crusted plaques on the skin, often visible around the hairline. These plaques can also be found on the surface of the skin beneath the hair.

Another common sign of psoriasis is the itching which can occur with the disorder. Sudden flares in the illness can increase the itching sensations. The placement of the plaques on the skin surface can also impact the degree of itching and general irritation experienced, and those which appear in folds of skin can often be the worst. Bleeding in small amounts can also occur, particularly when skin scales are scraped off or picked at.

Disorders affecting the finger and toe nails should also be anticipated as part of psoriasis symptoms. These disorders are especially common in patients with more severe overall cases of the disease. Yellowish colored nails with tiny pits appearing in them are signs of the disorder. Nails can also split from the nail bed as a result. Occasionally skin debris can buildup under the nails as well.

Other psoriasis symptoms which can accompany more severe cases include the presence of mirror plaques appearing on both sides of the body. Raindrop shaped patches can often occur in guattate psoriasis, which is a common form of the illness that can develop following a strep infection. Psoriatic arthritis is another possible form of the condition and is accompanied by pain, swelling and tenderness in the joints in addition to the presence of skin surface symptoms. To learn more about psoriasis, please be sure to visit

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