Friday, October 9, 2009

Looking Fabulous at Any Age

Looking Fabulous at Any Age
Contributed by Alison Craig of 3 Impressions

We all want to look fabulous. Who wouldn’t? But in today’s day and age, what is in style seems to change every 15 seconds. Oh look, there goes another trend. So how is one to know how to look great no matter what your age?

And how do you avoid that dreadful moment 10, 15, or 20 years from now when you look at the photos and wonder, “Why did I ever wear that? Why did I style my hair like that? Why did I do my makeup like that?”

Well, it is actually quite easy. Stop looking at the trends of what is considered beautiful for 15 seconds, and look at the classics that have been beautiful for ages. Here are two very simple and consistent principles used throughout the ages to create that look of timeless beauty.

Create contrast. Visual contrast has always been key to being a classic beauty. Fair skin and rich hair is an example of natural contrast. But contrast doesn’t just have to be between you hair and skin color. You can also create contrast between your skin color and clothes and between several articles of clothing. Why is contrast so important? Contrast creates visual interest and make colors pop. Think about the color wheel: opposites attract.

As we age, we want tone down the contrast. In your 20s, you can go pretty crazy with color contrast. So if you want to create a bold fashion look, use contrasting color. It is the easiest, most inexpensive way to create a dynamic look as well. As we age into our 40s and 50s, and beyond, begin to tone down the contrast. So if you are a fair skinned and blonde, try a gray suit instead of black. The harsh black can begin to exaggerate the visual signs of age, such as wrinkles. So don’t go to extremes that can age us and startle others.

Be true to yourself. I know it sounds quite simple, but it always amazes me how many dress for who they think other people think they are. If your look and image don’t reflect your true authentic self, then you will always make those “Why did I do that?” mistakes. You’ll feel embarrassed later if you aren’t authentic in this current moment. Why is that so important? People can tell if there is something amiss, so if you are dressing to please someone else other than yourself, it won’t work. So be original, and be timeless.

By creating timeless looks that reflect who you are, you and your look will never be out of style.

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